Out of work? We are here to help you.
Need help with your resumé? We are here to help you.
Need Interview Coaching? We are here to help you.
Need Networking help to find a job via LinkedIn? We are here to help you.
Want a mentor from a specific profession or industry, to assist you with your job search? We are here to help you.
Want access to job listings? We are here to help you.
The ROC of New Jersey’s Employment Assistance Initiative (TEAI) is ready to help you get back to work, and support your job search, with the tools you need to get your resumé recognized, get an interview, and with G-d’s help, get hired.
This opportunity is available to anyone in the Jewish community regardless of any, or no, affiliation. If you need our assistance, we are here to help you!!!
There is NO CHARGE for this service. The J-CARES Division of The ROC of New Jersey’s, Employee Assistance Initiative (TEAI), in partnership with The Employment Network of Raritan Valley (ENRV) wants to help you and your family.
Please feel free to reach out to us. For more information please call Josh Pruzansky at 732-844-9565 or email at jp@therocnj.org.