The Raritan Valley Orthodox
Jewish Community Association
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.
Per month
This is your description. Write a short overview including a description of your plan or service, important features and any other relevant info for a potential customer.

Complimentary Donor Gifts
An amazing Shop Local Coupon Book with almost $1,200 worth of coupons at local stores and vendors for the first 500 Donors (different amounts available per donor category)
All donors (contributing $250 and above to this campaign) will receive a complimentary Artscroll Book as a token of our appreciation for your support!

Group A
Living Emunah on the Parsha
Shaar Habitachon of Chovos Halevavos
Rav Chaim Kanievsky Zemiros
Chizuk for Your Heart
Thanks to You for Everything You do

Group B
Let's Talk Living Emunah
Just Love Them
What If on Yamim Tovim
What If on Yamim Tovim 2
The Rebbetzin
Between Carpools – Dinner Done

Group C
The Beit HaMikdash
The Illustrated Tehillim
Peas Love & Carrots – The Cookbook
A Taste of Pesach
A Taste of Pesach 2

Artsroll Set
Onkeles Set
Aleinu L'Shabei'ach Set
Artscroll Machzorim Set – Sefard/Ashkenaz
Artscroll Interlinear Machzorim Set – Sefard/Ashkenaz
Founders Win Win Win Campaign!
The ROC of NJ is an exciting new organization in the Raritan Valley communities of East Brunswick, Edison, and Highland Park. With great new initiatives like the Shop Local campaign, and the Employment Assistance Initiative we are just getting started. Help us accomplish more by becoming one of our Founders!

Become a founder and make your donation today!
Please select one of the options below to make a contribution.
Chanukah Gelt Giveaway!
$5,000 in Prizes to 8 Winners Each Day of Chanukah!
*Pending 400 donors minimum to The ROC of New Jersey’s Founders Win-Win-Win Campaign by December 7, 2020.
A maximum of 300 can be from the Community and Regional Founders level donors. More details to follow.
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3nd Prize
4th Prize
1st Prize $2,000
1 winner
2nd Prize $1,000
1 winner
3rd Prize $500
2 winners
4th Prize $250
4 winners