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Chief Development Officer @ Ohel / Bais Ezra Family Services

The Raritan Valley Orthodox

Jewish Community Association

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Chief Development Officer
Ohel, an innovative New York based organization providing a broad array of services to the Jewish community and the general population in trauma, mental health, developmental disabilities, elder care, summer camping and more, along with consultations across the US, is seeking a Chief Development Officer.

This highly experienced individual will lead a strong team in fundraising for both Annual and Capital Campaigns. Working with an active Board of Directors and a committed donor base, the successful candidate will bring his or her own creative approach to expanding on major annual and capital gifts. A strong set of systems are currently in place.

Five years’ experience at an executive development position successfully fundraising a minimum of $5 million annually or experience as a highly successful salesperson is necessary.

Demonstrated ability to lead, organizational, public speaking and writing skills, good knowledge of technology and social media, managing large events are all essential to succeed. Compassion and passion are important personality traits. The Chief Development Officer will report to the CEO. Generous compensation and health benefits. This position is located in Brooklyn.


Application Instructions Applicants apply directly to Employer. For more information call 855-OHEL-JOB or apply online at

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